
Showing posts from September, 2011

Public transport musings

There is something very philosophical about travelling by bus especially to work. Initial feelings of saving the pains of having to be alert processing multiple angles of traffic and pedestrians much like an AWACS. This is guaranteed to drain your batteries even before you reach half way to your destination. Depending on the distance to travel, you are bound to save substantial amounts of money. And considering the wet weather in  town (which, btw is NOT due to the copius tears shed due to the exit of Yeddy as he would like is too believe....we call it rain ), it's certainly a better option to commute. And when  you look around the fellow passengers, you see a sampling of the World around us that you probably chose to ignore or considered it being out of  your way. The casual and care free student fiddling furiously on his/her phone, quickly utilising the government quota of 100 sms for the day.... The daily wage worker who cannot afford  turning up late, traffic jams be damned...